International Financial Reporting Advisory Services
IFRS reporting advisory serivces of Grant Thornton are carried out by our dedicated team with expertise in IFRS implementation.
Audit Services
• Statutory audit • Review of financial statements and financial information • Agreed-upon procedures • FRAS services • Compilation of financial information • Reporting accountant • Cross-border audit • US GAAP audit
Audit Quality
We have various methods of monitoring our system of quality control and engagement quality, including real-time involvement of coaches and national office personnel on select audit engagements, reviews of issuer audit engagements prior to archiving by someone outside of the engagement team, and internal inspections of assurance engagements and the system of quality control.
Audit Approach
Audit Approach
Licensing services
Licensing services
International tax planning
Our extensive international network provides us with significant resources to meet all your expansion goals. We strive to develop commercially focused and tailored tax strategies to minimise tax exposures and maximise business efficiency.
Expatriate tax planning
We have a broad knowledge base and skills to assist you keep your personal income taxes to a legitimate and reasonable level, while remaining compliant with legislation. We can develop a personalised package for each key employee to take maximum advantage of the exemptions and incentives available.
Tax advisory
We will review the proposed business model and transactions and advise on tax implications and recommendations to optimize the tax opportunities under the local regulations and treaties which Vietnam entered into. Furthermore, we coordinate with our GT global tax team to provide a comprehensive tax advisory for the countries involved in the business model and transactions.
Tax compliance services
This service is designed to assist enterprises to cope with the statutory tax declaration requirements in line with the Vietnamese tax laws as well as the frequent changes and updates in tax laws.
Tax health check
Our Tax Health Check involves a high-level review of specific tax areas to highlight the key issues that need to be rectified in order to reduce tax risks. Through our extensive experience, we have identified key risk areas in which many enterprises are not fully compliant or often overlook potential tax planning opportunities. Our tax health check service represents a cost-effective method to proactively manage risks and reduce potential issues arising as a result of a tax inspection.
Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing is a pervasive tax issue among multinational companies. In Vietnam, the tax authorities require special documentation to report related party transactions. Compliance with transfer pricing regulations is an important aspect of doing business effectively in Vietnam as failure to do so may result in significant penalties.
Tax due diligence
We conduct tax due diligence reviews of target companies to analyse their tax exposure and position in relation to acquisitions, mergers or consolidations. We are able to integrate this service with our Advisory Services department in order to offer a comprehensive, holistic due diligence review.
Customs and international trade
Our experienced professionals can help you manage customs issues more effectively through valuation planning and making use of available free trade agreements. We also assist Clients in optimising their customs procedures by making use of potential duty exemptions and efficient import-export structures. Risk mitigation activities include customs audit defense and compliance reviews.
M&A Transaction
We advise numerous foreign investors on efficient tax structures for their investments. Our experience allows you to consider all the options and set up a corporate structure that meets both operational and tax efficiency requirements. In short, the structure that is best for you.
Industrial Zones – Picking A Location For Your Business
Grant Thornton Vietnam’s one-stop services are designed to provide comprehensive support to both new and current investors who are planning to expand or restructure their business in Vietnam. Our professionals have established strong working relationships with landlords, property developers and authorities at various localities. With extensive experiences in liaison with the relevant agencies, we offer assistance including negotiation on land rental rates and efficient management of licensing process. Our customized and flexible solutions can bring benefits of cost efficient location, accelerate licensing process, and optimize tax opportunities while remaining in compliance with legislation.
Tax Audit Support
Tax audit support services provide comprehensive assistance to your business in Vietnam. Recent tax practices have shown the general tendency of launching routine tax audit on yearly basis. Tax authorities have been effectively using more sophisticated methods to identify target entities from across different industry sectors.
Business Risk Services
Business Risk Services
Transaction Advisory Services
Transaction Advisory Services
Business consulting services
Finance Management Advisory
Accounting services
Accounting services
Taxes compliance within outsourcing
Taxes compliance within outsourcing
Payroll, personal income tax and labor compliance
Payroll, personal income tax and labor compliance
Secondments/Loan staff services
Secondments/Loan staff services
Compilation of the financial and non-financial information
Compilation of the financial and non-financial information
Accounting systems review and improvement
Accounting systems review and improvement
Initial setting-up for accounting and taxes systems
Initial setting-up for accounting and taxes systems
Management accounting and analysis
Management accounting and analysis
Comprehensive ERP system solution
ERP software is a tool for business operations, production management, order processing and inventory in the business process. Today, ERP software for small and medium businesses has been greatly improved to help businesses manage their business better. The article below will answer all relevant information about what ERP software is and offer the most suitable ERP solution for businesses. Let's follow along!
Analyze Business Administration data
We believe in the value that data can bring to the success and development of every business. Our team helps design data architecture supported by tools, to support business governance and provide useful information to management.
Financial reporting compliance solution package
Putting financial issues at the heart, this service helps ensure that financial reports for customers comply with both the requirements of Vietnamese accounting regulations and standards (VAS) as well as reporting standards. international finance (IFRS).
Third-party ERP extensions
ERP is a long-term solution that requires long-term travel, not short-term. We understand that many businesses cannot deploy the entire ERP system at once due to many different reasons, instead businesses can deploy each part. Over time, these solutions can be expanded to accommodate improved business processes or can even link completely new processes across different departments.
Localize, deploy and rebuild the project
Quite a few ERP projects need to be implemented according to current Vietnamese requirements and regulations, but still comply with common international business requirements. These projects need some improvements and adjustments in the right direction.
Consulting on technology solutions
We support the selection and implementation of the most suitable solutions, ensuring business efficiency and performance. We will work closely with customers to plan, evaluate and implement the right technology investment strategies and solutions to meet the development needs of businesses.

Offshore company establishment service
Using the offshore company model will facilitate the owner in the process of transaction and expand overseas markets, take advantage of the tax policy with many incentives and protect the value of the family enterprise's assets.
Private Trust Advisory
The development of the economy with many modern financial instruments has brought many advantages and opportunities for the enterprises, but there are still certain potential risks in any type of business. So how to protect your asset value with an appropriate company structure while stay compliance with relevant regulations?
Our values
We have six CLEARR values that underpin our culture and are embedded in everything we do.
Learning & development
At Grant Thornton we believe learning and development opportunities help to unlock your potential for growth, allowing you to be at your best every day. And when you are at your best, we are the best at serving our clients
Global talent mobility
One of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton is the opportunity to work on cross-border projects all over the world.
Diversity helps us meet the demands of a changing world. We value the fact that our people come from all walks of life and that this diversity of experience and perspective makes our organisation stronger as a result.
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Transfer pricing (TP) has been considered a significant issue in tax audits in Vietnam in recent years. Many multinational enterprises with subsidiaries operating in Vietnam have fallen under the scrutiny of the Vietnamese tax authorities, indicated by the fact that TP-compliant documents have become one of the first pieces of information required in many tax audits.
In an effort to counter inappropriate TP conduct and create a better environment for doing business in Vietnam, the Vietnamese government has recently updated the national TP regime with the issuance of Decree No. 132/2020/ND-CP (Decree 132) on November 5 , 2020, effective from December 20, 2020 and applicable for 2020 assessment year onward in general.
With material revisions, amendments and supplements compared to the superseded Decrees No. 20/2017/ND-CP and No. 68/2020/ND-CP, Decree 132 has set out a new regulatory environment, bringing in many new advantages as well as challenges for Vietnamese taxpayers engaging in intra-group transactions.
The notable features of Decree 132 and associated implications for taxpayers will be discussed in this article.
First Come the Pros ...
Updated Definition of “Commercial Database”
The most significant advantage provided for under Decree 132 is the updated definition of “commercial database,” which is expected to ease up the research process and create a legal basis for taxpayers’ defense during tax audits.
Previously, an acceptable data source was merely limited to financials extracted from publicly available sources without any further guidance. This created significant inconvenience for taxpayers during their compliance work, due to the differences in both accounting standards and treatment as well as reporting language. For example, if taxpayers engaging in intra-group transactions, or their advisers in most cases, wished to examine whether their profit margin seemed compliant or not, they would have to go through thousands of financial statements and possible adjustments to figure out their position, without even taking into account the language barrier as well as non-comparable reporting, due to variance in accounting standards and treatment.
Decree 132 allows the use of commercial databases with retained, standardized and updated financial information. As a result, Vietnamese taxpayers will benefit from using standardized and uniform databases and might thus be unaffected by any non-comparable reporting, as well as being able to defend their research/study during tax audits.
Increase of Deductible Interest Expenses
Another significant advantage for Vietnamese taxpayers created by Decree 132 is the relaxed limitation of deductible interest expenses. Previous TP regulations provided that only 20% of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) should be the maximum deductible interest expenses applied for taxpayers to claim within a tax assessment year, and any exceeding amount would go directly into tax trash. Such a limitation has been considered quite modest for taxpayers who enter into significant loans/borrowings, or particularly for new businesses with large usage of working capital, to the detriment of their tax planning and reporting.
Under Decree 132, the cap of interest expenses to be considered deductible for corporate income tax purposes has been lifted to 30% of the newly defined concept of net EBITDA, which provides a slight difference to take out financial income from savings and loans. It is of more importance that the amount in excess of this would not go directly to tax trash as required previously. Instead, such excess of the current assessment year will now be allowed to carry forward for a maximum period of five consecutive years, provided that taxpayers would not reach the provided cap in the future.
Obviously, taxpayers benefit not only from the expansion of deductible interest expenses but also from more flexibility in planning their utilizable deductibility in the upcoming period and managing their tax expenses in the long run.
But There Are Also the Cons ...
Narrowed Arm’s-length Range
Alongside the advantages provided for, Decree 132 also introduces some burdens for taxpayers in Vietnam, in our opinion. Possibly the most significant burden would be the narrowing of the acceptable arm’s-length range within which the pricing of intra-group transactions could be considered appropriate.
It is the TP concept of arm’s-length range that requires the taxpayer to set out and adjust their pricing mechanism or profit margin applied for controlled transactions to be similar to the uncontrolled or independent pricing range applied in comparable independent transactions. As per the Decree 132 regulations, taxpayers in Vietnam are required to aim their comparable price or margin higher than previously applied, since the minimum of acceptable arm’s-length range has been raised from the 25th percentile to the 35th percentile.
The following tables will provide a clearer explanation for ease of understanding.
For comparison of pricing:
For comparison of profit margin:
It is clear that taxpayers engaging in related party transaction(s) are now expected to result in a higher profit compared with previous reporting years, in order to be considered compliant and thus minimize the risks of being challenged by the authorities. This is also quite a distinctive requirement, if not an exclusive case in the world, adopted by the Vietnamese authorities. Vietnamese taxpayers should therefore now be very careful in planning and managing their tax position.
Expanded Definition of Related/Controlled Party
After years of adopting a typical definition of “related party” focusing on corporate relationships, the Vietnam government has now introduced an expanded definition of “related party,” covering also the individual–corporate relationship.
Accordingly, in cases where an enterprise incurred:
- capital transfer(s) totally equal to 25% of its owner’s equity or more; and/or
- lendings or borrowings totally equal to 10% of its owner’s equity, with its executive personnel or their immediate family;
such individual(s) should be qualified as a related party of that enterprise.
Obviously, such transaction(s) should be subject to compliance requirements of declaration and analysis to be included in the enterprise’s TP compliance documents. Businesses could be impacted by this expanded definition and are recommended to undertake proper planning and analysis to ensure their compliant positions.
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Obligations to Submit Country-by-Country Report
Last but not least, a provision of Decree 132 on obligations of Vietnamese taxpayers to submit the country-by-country profitability report (CbCR) seems to require clarification.
In general, Decree 132 has provided the required information, template and deadlines for submission of the CbCR by an ultimate parent company in Vietnam. There is also a threshold for such taxpayers to be exempted from the CbCR requirement. For taxpayers which are Vietnamese subsidiaries of either or both Vietnamese and/or overseas ultimate parent companies, Decree 132 simply requires the observation of international tax treaties or agreements on automatic information exchange regime.
These provisions seem to be rather forward-looking, and thus further clarification from the relevant authorities might be required, as we are aware of neither international tax treaties nor agreements on automatic information exchange entered into by the government.
In brief, we have seen the government’s efforts in creating a legal counter to inappropriate transfer pricing actions but also ensuring the most friendly and equal business environment possible in Vietnam. With Decree 132, taxpayers can be more flexible in their working capital utilization and compliance arrangements.
However, the narrowing of the acceptable arm’s-length range and expanded definition of related party would likely create more burdens for companies in managing their tax positions.
At the same time, the requirements for CbCR exemption may require more effort not only by taxpayers but also by the authorities if a smooth implementation is to be aimed for.
In light of the above, taxpayers are recommended to conduct proper planning and consult with their advisers to be proactively compliant and have a strong defense in case of tax audits and/or inspection.