International Financial Reporting Advisory Services
IFRS reporting advisory serivces of Grant Thornton are carried out by our dedicated team with expertise in IFRS implementation.
Audit Services
• Statutory audit • Review of financial statements and financial information • Agreed-upon procedures • FRAS services • Compilation of financial information • Reporting accountant • Cross-border audit • US GAAP audit
Audit Quality
We have various methods of monitoring our system of quality control and engagement quality, including real-time involvement of coaches and national office personnel on select audit engagements, reviews of issuer audit engagements prior to archiving by someone outside of the engagement team, and internal inspections of assurance engagements and the system of quality control.
Audit Approach
Audit Approach
Licensing services
Licensing services
International tax planning
Our extensive international network provides us with significant resources to meet all your expansion goals. We strive to develop commercially focused and tailored tax strategies to minimise tax exposures and maximise business efficiency.
Expatriate tax planning
We have a broad knowledge base and skills to assist you keep your personal income taxes to a legitimate and reasonable level, while remaining compliant with legislation. We can develop a personalised package for each key employee to take maximum advantage of the exemptions and incentives available.
Tax advisory
We will review the proposed business model and transactions and advise on tax implications and recommendations to optimize the tax opportunities under the local regulations and treaties which Vietnam entered into. Furthermore, we coordinate with our GT global tax team to provide a comprehensive tax advisory for the countries involved in the business model and transactions.
Tax compliance services
This service is designed to assist enterprises to cope with the statutory tax declaration requirements in line with the Vietnamese tax laws as well as the frequent changes and updates in tax laws.
Tax health check
Our Tax Health Check involves a high-level review of specific tax areas to highlight the key issues that need to be rectified in order to reduce tax risks. Through our extensive experience, we have identified key risk areas in which many enterprises are not fully compliant or often overlook potential tax planning opportunities. Our tax health check service represents a cost-effective method to proactively manage risks and reduce potential issues arising as a result of a tax inspection.
Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing is a pervasive tax issue among multinational companies. In Vietnam, the tax authorities require special documentation to report related party transactions. Compliance with transfer pricing regulations is an important aspect of doing business effectively in Vietnam as failure to do so may result in significant penalties.
Tax due diligence
We conduct tax due diligence reviews of target companies to analyse their tax exposure and position in relation to acquisitions, mergers or consolidations. We are able to integrate this service with our Advisory Services department in order to offer a comprehensive, holistic due diligence review.
Customs and international trade
Our experienced professionals can help you manage customs issues more effectively through valuation planning and making use of available free trade agreements. We also assist Clients in optimising their customs procedures by making use of potential duty exemptions and efficient import-export structures. Risk mitigation activities include customs audit defense and compliance reviews.
M&A Transaction
We advise numerous foreign investors on efficient tax structures for their investments. Our experience allows you to consider all the options and set up a corporate structure that meets both operational and tax efficiency requirements. In short, the structure that is best for you.
Industrial Zones – Picking A Location For Your Business
Grant Thornton Vietnam’s one-stop services are designed to provide comprehensive support to both new and current investors who are planning to expand or restructure their business in Vietnam. Our professionals have established strong working relationships with landlords, property developers and authorities at various localities. With extensive experiences in liaison with the relevant agencies, we offer assistance including negotiation on land rental rates and efficient management of licensing process. Our customized and flexible solutions can bring benefits of cost efficient location, accelerate licensing process, and optimize tax opportunities while remaining in compliance with legislation.
Tax Audit Support
Tax audit support services provide comprehensive assistance to your business in Vietnam. Recent tax practices have shown the general tendency of launching routine tax audit on yearly basis. Tax authorities have been effectively using more sophisticated methods to identify target entities from across different industry sectors.
Business Risk Services
Business Risk Services
Transaction Advisory Services
Transaction Advisory Services
Business consulting services
Finance Management Advisory
Accounting services
Accounting services
Taxes compliance within outsourcing
Taxes compliance within outsourcing
Payroll, personal income tax and labor compliance
Payroll, personal income tax and labor compliance
Secondments/Loan staff services
Secondments/Loan staff services
Compilation of the financial and non-financial information
Compilation of the financial and non-financial information
Accounting systems review and improvement
Accounting systems review and improvement
Initial setting-up for accounting and taxes systems
Initial setting-up for accounting and taxes systems
Management accounting and analysis
Management accounting and analysis
Comprehensive ERP system solution
ERP software is a tool for business operations, production management, order processing and inventory in the business process. Today, ERP software for small and medium businesses has been greatly improved to help businesses manage their business better. The article below will answer all relevant information about what ERP software is and offer the most suitable ERP solution for businesses. Let's follow along!
Analyze Business Administration data
We believe in the value that data can bring to the success and development of every business. Our team helps design data architecture supported by tools, to support business governance and provide useful information to management.
Financial reporting compliance solution package
Putting financial issues at the heart, this service helps ensure that financial reports for customers comply with both the requirements of Vietnamese accounting regulations and standards (VAS) as well as reporting standards. international finance (IFRS).
Third-party ERP extensions
ERP is a long-term solution that requires long-term travel, not short-term. We understand that many businesses cannot deploy the entire ERP system at once due to many different reasons, instead businesses can deploy each part. Over time, these solutions can be expanded to accommodate improved business processes or can even link completely new processes across different departments.
Localize, deploy and rebuild the project
Quite a few ERP projects need to be implemented according to current Vietnamese requirements and regulations, but still comply with common international business requirements. These projects need some improvements and adjustments in the right direction.
Consulting on technology solutions
We support the selection and implementation of the most suitable solutions, ensuring business efficiency and performance. We will work closely with customers to plan, evaluate and implement the right technology investment strategies and solutions to meet the development needs of businesses.

Offshore company establishment service
Using the offshore company model will facilitate the owner in the process of transaction and expand overseas markets, take advantage of the tax policy with many incentives and protect the value of the family enterprise's assets.
Private Trust Advisory
The development of the economy with many modern financial instruments has brought many advantages and opportunities for the enterprises, but there are still certain potential risks in any type of business. So how to protect your asset value with an appropriate company structure while stay compliance with relevant regulations?
Our values
We have six CLEARR values that underpin our culture and are embedded in everything we do.
Learning & development
At Grant Thornton we believe learning and development opportunities help to unlock your potential for growth, allowing you to be at your best every day. And when you are at your best, we are the best at serving our clients
Global talent mobility
One of the biggest attractions of a career with Grant Thornton is the opportunity to work on cross-border projects all over the world.
Diversity helps us meet the demands of a changing world. We value the fact that our people come from all walks of life and that this diversity of experience and perspective makes our organisation stronger as a result.
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In this newsletter, Grant Thornton Vietnam would like to update our valued customers on important Tax and Customs policies that have just been issued recently.
1. Decree No. 52/2021/ND-CP on extension for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rental fee in 2021
On 19 April 2021, the Government issued the Decree No. 52/2021/ND-CP which regulates the extension for payment of VAT, CIT, PIT and land rental fee . Some notable points regulated at Decree 52 are as below:
Subjects of application:
Decree 52 expands on a number of applied subjects compared to Decree 41/2020/ND-CP on tax payment extension in 2020 such as enterprises, organizations, business households, and individuals doing business in various industries such as production of beverages, production of products from prefabricated metal (except for machinery and equipment); motorbike and motorcycle manufacture; repair, maintenance and installation of machines and equipment, computer programming, consulting services and other activities related to computers; information service activities, etc.
Extension time:
Regarding VAT
- Deadline extension of VAT payment shall be applied during the tax period from March to August 2021 (for monthly VAT declaration cases) and Quarter I, Quarter II. 2021 (for quarterly VAT declaration cases).
- The extention of 5-month is given to VAT obligation incurred during the period from March to June 2021 and in Quarter I, Quarter II of 2021
- The extention of 4-month is given to VAT obligation in July 2021.
- The extention of 3-month is given to VAT obligation in August 2021.
Regarding CIT
- The extention of 3-month is given to temporary CIT obligation arising in the first and second quarter of tax period 2021.
Regarding VAT and PIT obligation of business households and individuals
- The payment deadline of 2021 VAT and PIT obligation of business households and individuals will be extended until 31 December 2021
Regarding land rental fee
- Payment deadline of land rental fees in the first period of 2021 of enterprises, organizations, business households or individuals directly leasing land from the State, pursuant to a Descision or Contract made by a competent regulatory authority, in the form of annual rental payment shall be extended with the duration of 6-month from 31 May 2021.
Extension procedure:
- Taxpayers are required to submit a written request for tax payment extension according to the form provided in the Appendix attached with this Decree to the competent tax authority once for all declaration periods when submitting tax declaration or by 30 July 2021.
- In order to be eligible for tax and land rental fee extension, taxpayers must pay all deferred taxes and land rental fees pursuant to Decree No. 41/2020/ND-CP and corresponding arising late payment interest (if any) before 30 July 2021.
2. Decree No. 44/2021/ND-CP guidance on CIT calculation of enterprises’ support and donation expenses for Covid-19 pandemic protection and prevention
On 31 March 2021, the Government issued Decree 44/2021/ND-CP ("Decree 44") providing guidance on deductible expense determination for support and donation expenses of enterprises and organizations for Covid-19 prevention activites. The details are as below:
- In-cash or in-kind support expenses and donations for Covid-19 prevention activities in Vietnam through state agencies, organizations and departments (e.Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, armed forces, etc.) will be included in deductible expenses when calculating CIT taxable income for the tax period of 2020 and 2021.
- The Decree also provides detailed guidance on determination of support expenses and donations.
- The Decree takes effect from 31 March 2021.
3. Decree No. 18/2021/ND-CP amending and supplementing some articles and implementing solutions of Export-Import Tax Law
On 11 March 2021, the Government issued Decree No.18/2021/ND-CP amending and supplementing some articles of Decree No.134/2016/ND-CP. Decree 18 taking affect from 25 April 2021 amended and supplemented 21 issues in Decree 134, including 17 amended contents and 4 supplemented contents. Specifically, some notable changes are as below:
- Amending and supplementing regulations on applicable tax policies to on-spot imported and exported goods
- Amending regulations in Article 10 and Article 12, Decree 134 regarding basis for duty exemption determination of imported goods for goods processing and production for export, such as the additional regulations relating to the cases that the processing, production units assigning other parties to outsource a part of exporting goods production activities are still eliglble for import tax exemption; or regulations on import tax exemption for scraps and discarded products made during the processing and production for export, which are allowed to be destroyed and have actually been destroyed; discarded materials and defective products which have been made during the goods processing production for export are actually consumed in the domestic.
- Supplementing Article 31a on reporting and inspecting the usage of duty-free imported materials within 5 years.
- Supplementing Article 28a on the conditions for customs inspection, supervision and duty treatment to export processing enterprises (“EPE”) in non-tariff zones.
4. Circular 19/2021/TT-BTC providing guidance on performing electronic tax transactions
On 18 March 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 19/2021/TT-BTC providing guidance on implementing electronic tax transactions, replacing Circular No. 110/2015/TT-BTC and Circular No. 66/2019/TT-BTC. The Circular is issued to solve existing shortcomings and promote electronic transactions to catch up with the digital age. This Circular takes effect from 03 May 2021.
Some notable points are as follows:
- Taxpayers can made electronic tax transactions 24/7, including holidays, public holidays and New Year holidays. The submission date will be the date when the dossier is successfully signed and submitted within 24 hours of the day (Article 1a, Clause 8).
- Taxpayers are required to register to perform tax transactions. The taxpayer who has made electronic tax transactions before 03 May 2021 (this Circular’s effective date) is not required to re-register with the tax authority and forward to carry out other administrative procedures electronically and additional declaration pursuant to Article 11 of Circular 19/2021/TT-BTC (Clause 2, Article 48).
- In addition, Circular 19 does not adjust regulations on electronic transactions in the following cases:
- Invoice transactions in accordance with the Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP dated 19 October 2020 by the Government on invoices and documents;
- Electronic tax transactions of overseas suppliers without a permanent establishment in Vietnam engaging in e-commerce business, digital-based business and other services with organizations or individuals in Vietnam;
- Electronic tax transactions for goods in the import and export stage at Customs authority.
5. Decision No. 10/2021/QD-TTg on the criteria for high-tech enterprises determination
On 16 March 2021, the Government issued Decision No. 10/2021/QD-TT guiding on the additional criteria for high-tech enterprises determination apart form the ones regulated at Article 75, Investment Law No. 67/2014 / QH13 and Clause 3, Article 76 of the Law on Investment No. 61/2020 / QH14 as below:
- Revenues gained from high-tech products must account for at least 70% of total annual net revenue of enterprises.
- The ratio of total expenditure on research and development of the enterprise to total net revenue after the deduction of annual input value must adapt a minimum rate as specified in this document.
- The percentage of enterprise’ employees directly participating in research and development with a college degree or higher level of education over total number of employees must adapt a minimum rate as specified in this document.
This Decision takes effect from 30 April 2021 and replaces the Decision No. 19/2015/QD-TTg on the criteria for high-tech enterprises determination.
6. Decision No. 376/QD-TCHQ on the issuance of Professional handbook on penalties for administrative violations in Customs
On 3 March 2021, the General Department of Customs issued Decision No. 376/QD-TCHQ on the issuance of Professional handbook on penalties for administrative violations in Customs. This handbook includes 07 sections and takes effect from the date of signing.
7. Official Letter No. 1938/BTC-TCT regarding the list of documents which continue to take effect after Tax Administration Law No. 78/2006/QH11 expired
On 26 February 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued Offcial Letter No. 1938/BTC-TCT providing comments on the effective circulars list during the period when the circular guiding Tax administration law No. 38/2019/QH14 has not been issued with the understanding that these circulars are not legal documents detailing the implementation of Tax Administration Law. In which, there are some important circulars which directly affect taxpayers’ rights and obligations as follows: Circular No. 156/2013/TT-BTC guiding the implementation of some articles in Tax Administration Law, Circular No. 92/2015/TT-BTC guiding the implementation of VAT and PIT incurred by residents doing business, Circular No. 26/2015/TT-BTC guiding VAT and tax administration. Accordingly, the provisions of the Circulars mentioned in this official letter (except for contents specified in Tax Administration Law No. 38/2019/QH14 and Decree No. 126/2020/ND-CP dated 19 October 2020) will continue to take effect until being replaced by other legal documents.
8. Guidance on VAT declaration for extraprovincial business locations and extraprovincial business activities
Regulations on VAT declaration for extraprovincial business locations and extraprovincial business activities which is one of the new points in Tax Administration Law 2019 and Decree No. 126/2020/ND-CP is particularly interested by enterprises operating business in many areas. Therefore, to solve problems for taxpayers, the General Department of Taxation and the Hanoi Tax Department have issued a number of guiding documents as follows.
Official Letter No. 599/TCT-KK dated 10 March 2021 by General Department of Taxation
The managing entity of an extraprovincial business location uses its tax code to submit tax declaration, invoice issuance notification and invoice usage report to the tax authority where its business location is located in case the obligation of each business loacation or business locations operating in specific activities as pursuant to Clause 1, Article 11, Decree No. 126/2020/ND-CP dated 19 October 2020 by the Government are separated by tax payers.
Otherwise, the taxpayer shall submit VAT declaration, invoice issuance notification, invoice usage report to its direct supervisory tax authority.
Official Letter No. 7801/CTHN-TTHT dated 17 March 2021 by Hanoi Tax Department
During the period when Circular guiding the implementation of Tax Administration Law No. 38/2019/QH14 and Decree 126/2020/ND-CP have not yet been issued, taxpayers shall continue to submit tax declaration dossiers in compliance with Point e, Clause 1, Article 2, Circular 26/2015/TT-BTC in case the value extraprovincial construction, installation, and sale of goods including output VAT exceeds VND 1 billion and taxpayers do not establish any subsidiaries/business locations in another province other than where the taxpayer is headquartered.
Official Letter No. 7800/CTHN-TTHT dated 17 March 2021 by Hanoi Tax Department
In 2021, enterprises continue to declare and pay extraprovincial VAT obligation following the guidance at Clause 1, Article 2, Circular No. 26/2015/TT-BTC. Accordingly, enterprises are required to declare and pay extraprovincial VAT obligation at the rate of 1% or 2% of revenue at the place where goods are sold, depending on the applicable VAT rate for each business item.
From 2022 (which is the first year in the next budget stability period after the new Tax Administration Law takes effect), tax declaration for extraprovincial sales of goods will be in line with new regulations provided in Clause 2, Article 11, Decree 126/2020/ND-CP. Accordingly, for extraprovincial sales activities, Companies shall declare the VAT amount concentrated at the head office and prepare a VAT distribution table for the localities receiving tax revenue (including dependent subsidiaries and business locations).
9. Official Letter No. 269/HQHCM-GSQL on the conditions for applying preferential import tax rates under EVFTA Agreement
On 01 February 2021, Ho Chi Minh Customs Department issued the Official Letter No. 269/HQHCM-GSQL guiding on the case of preferential tax rates under EVFTA Agreement. This Official Letter is based on the Official Letter No. 5575/TCHQ-GSQL dated 21 August 2020 of the General Department of Customs. Accordingly, the certification of origin mechanism in compliant with paragraph 1 (c), Article 15, Protocol 1 of the EVFTA Agreement, specially the self-certification of origin under the Registered Exporter System (“REX”) (guided in paragraph 1 (c), Article 19, Circular No. 11/2020 / TT-BCT) will be applied instead of the certification of origin mechanism specified in clause 1 (a) and clause 1 (b), Article 15, Protocol 1 of the EVFTA Agreement (guided in paragraph 1 (a) and paragraph 1 (b), Article 19. Circular 11/2020/TT-BCT).
Therefore, enterprises with certificate of origin following form EUR.1 as specified at Point a, Clause 1, Article 19, Circular No. 11/2020/TT-BCT dated 15 June 2020 is not eligible for application of preferential import tax rates under the EVFTA Agreement.
10. Official Letter No. 475/TCHQ-TXNK dated 01 February 2021 on tax policies and customs procedures for molds leased to domestic enterprises for production by export processing enterprise (“EPE”)
Regarding customs procedure
In case the molds were lent for EPE’s production, the EPE shall submit the temporary export declaration and the domestic enterprise shall submit the temporary import declaration.
When the contract expired, the domestic enterprise shall carry out re-export procedure and the EPE shall carry out re-import procedure.
Regarding import duty
The domestic enterprise could not apply for import duty exemption. However, the value for import duty calculation purpose is the total expenditure that the borrower must pay until goods are delivered at the first importing checkpoint which are in accordance with relavant documents (Clause 9, Article 1, Circular No. 60/2019/TT-BTC).
Regarding VAT
- Molds which have been declared as temporary import by the domestic enterprise are not subject to VAT.
- In case the lease term has expired but the domestic enterprise continues to use the molds without re-exporting, it is required to declare and pay VAT.
- In case the molds are damaged and cannot be re-exported, thus must be destroyed and have actually been destroyed in accordance with the law, domestic enterprises are not obligated to declare and pay VAT.