Jin Nishina worked for Grant Thornton Japan since 2013 and was registered as CPA (Japan) in 2016. He has extensive experience in the financial statements audits of various multinational and local companies in a wide range of industries such as semiconductor-related manufacturer, system development company, logistics equipment manufacturer, employment agency, venture capital investment and hotel management company etc. He also engaged to support variety of IPO preparation companies.
Prior to Joining Grant Thornton, Jin Nishina worked for Tokyo Metropolitan Government engaging in public hospitals and collection of tax.
Nishina was dispatched to Grant Thornton Vietnam from December 2021 and supports the auditing, taxation, and advisory work of Japanese companies as the person in charge of the Japan Desk.
2021年12月からメンバーファームであるGrant Thornton Vietnam へ出向。ジャパンデス クの責任者として、日系企業の監査・税務・アドバイザリー業務をサポート。
- CPA of Japan